What is your next Solar Food product?
Become part of this idea. Eat Solar Food. Process Solar Food. Support the idea.
The tentative programme includes the following six lectures.
More Information please download Flyer (pdf)
The startup SOLARBAKERY has its origins in the many years of experience of the founders on the African continent. Simon Zimmermann set up the first container bakery in Kinshasa, the capitol of the Congo (pop. 14 million), which generated $128,000 in revenue in its first year of business.
The high demand for quality baked goods offered immense growth potential. But one problem kept affecting operations. Constant power outages in the Congolese capital led to numerous production stoppages. The built-in emergency generator was able to keep production running most of the time, but it consumed vast amounts of expensive diesel fuel and polluted the environment through emissions.
The PuroSole coffee roasting plants have zero environmental impact, do not consume energy, do not produce CO2, and can be easily configured and installed according to production needs.
The basic components of each configuration are: groups of reflectors, impeller, control unit. The chosen configuration can then be easily expanded to increase productivity levels, thus safeguarding the investment already made.
Participants of the 6th SCI World Conference 2017 in India, Gujarat, Muni Seva Ashram (Photo by SCI)
Expert speakers show examples of how solar food processing can be a profitable business venture. The panelist speakers present case studies where individuals and companies use
solar cooking techniques to earn their living and have made a successful and professional business.
ISES is pleased to have the following experts speaking in this webinar:
Rolf Behringer, moderator, Solare Zukunft
Heike Hoedt, Simply Solar
Dr. Michael Goetz, Cocina Solar Mexico
Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Scheffler, Solare Bruecke
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Results can be found here: www.consolfood.org
The International Solar Food Processing Conference 2009 was held on January 14-16, 2009 in Indore, India.
The Solar Food Processing Network was introduced in April 2005 by the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and funded by WISIONS. Since then, the Network has accumulated more than 120 registered activists, interested groups or individuals from over 40 countries.
Presentations and papers can be viewed here.